Friday, March 23, 2012

fill down formulas without selecting the sheet

At the moment I have a bunch of formulas along the top row of a sheet and I
wish to copy them down a predfined number of rows. At the moment I activate
the sheet and then select the rows I want to copy down with the row
containing the formulas at the top. It would be much er if I could
accomplish this in the background as it were without having to select the
sheet. Is there a way of effectively filling down the formula without having
to activate the sheet?
Any help much appreciated, kind regards, MarkAre you sure you posted in the right NG ? That should go for the excel ng as
I hear from your problem ?!
HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
"Mark Stephens" wrote:

> At the moment I have a bunch of formulas along the top row of a sheet and
> wish to copy them down a predfined number of rows. At the moment I activat
> the sheet and then select the rows I want to copy down with the row
> containing the formulas at the top. It would be much er if I could
> accomplish this in the background as it were without having to select the
> sheet. Is there a way of effectively filling down the formula without havi
> to activate the sheet?
> Any help much appreciated, kind regards, Mark

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