Thursday, March 29, 2012

Filter delete rows on subscriber

How does SQL server replication delete rows on the client that no longer
matches the filter? I need this to decide if I want to add a new table into
There is a table with a large number of rows (5-6 million), with only a few
rows (2000-3000) replicated to each client. Each client needs to get a
different set of rows.
I want to know whether:
1. The filter is applied on the subscriber to delete the rows?
2. Or the IDs to be deleted is sent to the subscriber by the publisher?
3. Or the IDs on the subscriber is sent to the publisher, for which the
publisher responds with the IDs that should no longer be available in the
Due to the large number of rows, I'm just worried that #2 and #3 will lead
to a lot of inefficeincy. And if that is the case, I would rather sync this
data outside of replication.
"Rajesh" wrote:

> How does SQL server replication delete rows on the client that no longer
> matches the filter? I need this to decide if I want to add a new table into
> replication.
> TIA.
> Rajesh

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