Thursday, March 29, 2012

Filter Data within a graph

I have a dilemma where I have a dataset that is composed of three columns:

Key, TimeStamp, Value

My chart needs to show different lines based on what the Key in the dataset is through a certain timeframe. Take for example my dataset has 4 keys. On the first key, I need to show the average of the values. On the second key, I need to show the max values. My third key, I need to show the min values. My 4th key I need to show the Median.

I need to be able to put 4 different entries in the Values list of my chart and have them filtered based on the criteria based on the same column within the dataset. I guess my question is: Can I put an IIF statement inside of the Value entry to get my desired result and if so, what would the syntax be?

Yes, you have to put 4 entries into the values list. For example:

1. =iif(Fields!Key.Value = "A", Fields!Value.Value, Nothing)
2. =iif(Fields!Key.Value = "B", Fields!Value.Value, Nothing)
3. =iif(Fields!Key.Value = "C", Fields!Value.Value, Nothing)
4. =iif(Fields!Key.Value = "D", Fields!Value.Value, Nothing)

Note: in a line chart, the chart control will only connect data points that have a value different than null (Nothing).

-- Robert

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